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Is there a 100% job guarantee?

There is a job guarantee for the following offers:
Farm work
Ryokan jobs

If you already have basic knowledge of Japanese, we will arrange pre-arrival phone interviews for you (or, if you prefer, after your arrival in Japan) and can confirm the exact job details (salary, accommodation). If your Japanese proficiency is too low, ideally, you would participate in 4-8 weeks of language lessons in Tokyo first and then conduct the job interview. However, we can guarantee that you will find a job because we can organize unlimited interviews for you (we work with 10,000 farms and 6000 ryokans constantly looking for staff). Typically, you only need to attend one or two interviews to secure a position.

In the case of ski resort, babysitter, and English/French assistant language teacher jobs, you will already know before your arrival if you have secured a job. If we cannot place you, there are no costs incurred.

If you book our standard Working Holdiay program (Tokyo and Kyoto), we help you ON SITE to find a job. There is NO 100% job guarantee since job acceptance also depends on you. We will inform you about the job-finding process and prepare you for interviews. However, ultimately, you have to conduct the interviews yourself. Almost all participants find a job within 2 weeks with our assistance.

From our experience with around 1000 participants in this program per year, only about 1% encounter difficulties with job hunting on-site.

You might face difficulties if:

You neither know Japanese nor can communicate in English. If you don't speak Japanese, you must be able to communicate well enough in English.
You are not flexible about the jobs you are applying for. For example, highly skilled jobs such as engineering are difficult to find if your level of Japanese is low. You should be willing to accept alternative jobs if your dream job cannot be achieved. Once your Japanese skills improve, you might be able to change jobs and possibly get your dream job.
You don't follow our advice regarding business attire style, physical appearance (e.g. hairstyle), or behaviour at the job interview. In Japan, there are strict standards for this.
You are not proactive. For example, if you are late or don't attend your job interview, or if you seem to not be interested during the interview.

Updated on: 01/01/2024