Articles on: FAQs Japan
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Are there fixed arrival dates for the programs in Japan?

Our arrival days in Tokyo and Osaka are Fridays throughout the year - with very few exceptions.

You should arrive on a Friday between 8am and 8pm at one of the airports in Tokyo (Haneda or Narita) or Osaka (Kansai or Itami), from where we will pick you up and take you to your sharehouse accommodation in Tokyo or Kyoto, if you have booked it. Participants of our Working Holiday programs will receive their program orientations on the following days.

If the Friday and/or the following days are major holidays (typically: Golden Week – end of April/beginning of May; Obon – mid-August, and Christmas/New Year/Emperor's Birthday – end of December/beginning of January), there is no Friday arrival, as offices, banks, and the employment office are closed in the following week.

If you want to participate in a beginner Japanese course after your arrival, you should come to Tokyo no later than the Friday before the start of the new beginner course. You can find the start dates on our program pages about Japanese language lessons.

The volunteer program on Sado Island starts every Monday during the season. You can arrive in Tokyo on a Friday, stay in Tokyo over the weekend, and travel to Sado on Monday. Likewise, pre-arranged Working Holiday jobs or internships at another location in Japan, usually start on a Monday, and you can arrive via Tokyo or Osaka on the preceding Friday. We will communicate with you regarding the arrival logistics.

If you arrive on a day other than Friday, you can either independently proceed directly to our sharehouse (please coordinate the time with us), or we can pick you up from the airport or station, but in this case, an additional fee will apply. Please note that the pickup service exists only Mondays to Fridays with flights having a scheduled arrival between 8am and 8pm.

Updated on: 31/12/2023