Articles on: FAQs Germany

How does it work with UK and US citizens?

There is no Working Holiday Visa for US and UK citizens, but they can still join our support program.

The required formalities work a little different in this case compared to program participants of nationalities who can get such visa.

1) The US/US individual arrives in Germany without any visa.
2) They need to complete the residence registration for their accommodation (we would supply the necessary papers via the landlord for this if you book the "complete" package)
3) They need to apply for a residence permit that allows employment. An employer is not needed at that stage, but the applicant needs to have health insurance. This "should" be a German health insurance but "can" also be a travel health insurance if it covers the "requirements" (which are not specified in detail but will be reviewed - if the insurance is relatively comprehensive, it should be fine. In the worst case that the German authorities don't accept the foreign insurance, the individual would need (and pay for) membership in the German National Health insurance. The applicant also needs a German bank account (which is possible once you have completed the residence registration).

Updated on: 02/01/2024