Articles on: FAQs Tanzania
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Can I get vegetarian food in Tanzania?

Tanzania is a predominantly meat-eating country, and Tanzanians may not easily comprehend someone voluntarily giving up meat, especially if they can afford it and are in good health. Meat is considered a status symbol. However, host families are familiar with participants and understand that some may prefer a vegetarian diet, and they are willing to prepare vegetarian food.

Local restaurants typically offer limited vegetarian options, so you may need to choose vegetarian side dishes. In Moshi, however, there is a vegetarian Indian restaurant with a diverse selection of dishes, and Dar-es-Salaam has a few Indian restaurants specializing in vegetarian food.

At the market, you'll find a wide variety of vegetables and fruits. Specific dietary needs, such as veganism or allergies to certain foods, can be communicated to host families, and many food items are available in supermarkets.

In our Mother Nature programs where meals are provided, a vegetarian diet is possible.

What may not always be easy to ensure is a strictly vegan diet, as host families and local cooks may not always be fully familiar with it. You can speak to them on-site and specify which ingredients you do not want in your meals.

Updated on: 02/01/2024